Thursday, February 13, 2014

Weekly Wednesday: 34

Oh hey Thursday.... How'd you sneak up so fast? 

Yesterday morning Hubby and I headed out for his eye surgery.  Everything went great and he is recovering well!  He offered to let me watch the procedure but I told him that I was absolutely not interested (not that they would've let me watch anyway!) 

Thank goodness Grandma Carol has been with us to help out the last few days.  Our little man has started some wild nap and bedtime habits.  As in he doesn't want to sleep.  He really fights it. He had never done this to me before so I can only guess that Grandma is so exciting that he doesn't want to miss a single minute of her visit.  He even made her get out of bed to play from 12:30 until 2:30 this morning.  This afternoon Hubby and I had to tuck him snug into his car seat so he would calm down for a nap.  We are hoping that the top teeth he is working on hurry up and break through!  Cameron is sick of having a sore mouth and would really like to put that energy into learning to crawl!  

But you would never guess how cranky he has been by looking at his happiest weekly pictures so far!  Silly baby.  

And he finally got to grab the board...

Me: Did you erase this board? 
Cameron: Who, me?? No mom, Roarbert did it.

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